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HB 4048

(e) "Summer program" means an educational program that meets at least all of the following:

(i) is offered to each eligible pupil descrived in subdivision (d) (i) who was enrolled in any of grades K-8 in the 2020-2021 school year.

(ii) Is offered at any point after June 1, 2021 and before September 1, 2021

(iii) Is an 8 week program.  As used in this subparagraph, "week" means a period beginning on Monday and ending on the following Friday.

(iv) Is provided to elible puplis described in subdivision (d)(i) in a anner in which the eligible pupils are in person at a school building designated by the eligible district or elibible intermediate district providing the ptram.  As used in this subparagraph, "in-person" means physically present

(v) Is a program that was developed based on the input of teachers and that is teacher-led

(vi) includes programming in core subject areas, including, but not limited to mathematics, reading and science

MDE Memo

HB 4048 Quick Reference

Remediation Services Sample Plan

A listing of “Michigan -Centric”, free to low cost resources that may be appropriate for extended, innovative Summer School programming in the resource folder.  *This list will be updated regularly by the Mid-Michigan MiSTEM region. *

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